IDIOMS - 1 - ESL Institute Balrampur


किसी भी भाषा में IDIOMS का बड़ा ही महत्तव है I वे बड़े से बड़े बात को कुछ ही शब्दों में प्रभावी तरीके से कह देते हैं I यही वजह है की अच्छे वक्ता अपनी बात कहने में इनका इस्तेमाल करते हैं I इस कालम में हम आपको कुछ ऐसे ही IDIOMS से परिचित करवाएंगे I
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Quiz for Article A, AN, THE
Quiz for Mixed timeowrds
Quiz for reading comprehension 

  1. All dressed up and nowhere to go. - Meaning - getting ready for something that never happened.  (Example: Her mom was ready for his father to go for am movie but he didn't come. As usual, she was all dressed up and nowhere to go.)
  2. All hat and go cattle - Meaning - Describe someone who is full of big talk but lacking action, power or substance. (Example: We expect our president to be effective in his job, not a person who is all hat and no cattle.)
  3. At the drop of a hat - Meaning - Without delay. (Example: One of my friend sacrificed longer time for his girlfriend but she left him at the drop of a hat.)
  4. Be in somebody's shoes - Meaning - To be in the situation that another person is in. (Example: I wouldn't like to be in his shoes. He is having a lot of problems with his girlfriend.)
  5. Clothes make the man - Meaning - People are judged the way they are dressed.            (Example :Clothes make the man because dirty or odd attires have no influence in the society.)
  6. Handle someone with kid gloves - Meaning - To be very careful & polite to a person because you don't want to hurt him. (Example: He became so serious and sensitive after his break up so we need to handle him with the kid gloves)
  7. Have a card up your sleeve - Meaning - To have a secret plan. (Example: He must have got something up her sleeve & it would solve his all the problems.)


Antonyms is the relation between two words, which are exactly opposite to each other.

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What do you like to do in your free time

What do I want to be when I grow up? A question we always had and answer to as child  but may struggle with as we grow older.
There are an infinite number of career options open to us today. In addition to the conventional roles, there are number of unconventional opportunities also knocking at our door.

What is a optimal path for you? Should you start your own business or work in a professional set up? Is your skill set aligned with your dream career or do you need to work harder?
The first few days of your career lay a very important foundation. So much of our day is spent either at work or travelling back and forth, or thinking about it. If you are unhappy with your choices the consequences can be detrimental.   
Working at the right job which excites you, challenges you, motivates you will provide you the appropriate framework to grow both personally and professionally.

Before even you start exploring your options, it is necessary to take a step back and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Do an internal evaluation. Ask yourself questions to define your likes and passions. Also, try to identify if a certain opportunity matches with your skills set or not. Your career is not a sprint; it is a marathon. 
News source: hindustan newspaper Jano English weekly magazine. 

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