Point of View - ESL Institute Balrampur

Point of View

It is said that the whole world's treasure is nothing in front of LOVE. But is it really true? some of the researchers have seen the effect of the money on LOVE from their view. They say that, MONEY works WONDER in LOVE also.

The relation between the love and money is so strong. these both words seem so tiny but contain the very different meaning. Some people leave their family for the love & some people sacrifice the entire money for the love. It is said that the whole world's treasure is nothing in front of the love. But the question arises that love can be earned by the money?

  • Earning money is the responsibility of the both persons

Money is very important for everyone today. when the family of girls start searching the bride groom for her then they often say this that if they will get the rich bridegroom then our daughter will be comfortable and having a lavish marriage life. But comfort shouldn't be seen as a luxury and leisure. Everyone wants a fundamental need to be fulfilled properly after marriage. Only for the love if somebody is getting married to someone, cannot give you necessary comfort. If you want to marry him then make sure that can he fulfill your need or not? But it doesn't mean that only men is responsible to fulfill the fundamental requirement of his family and and other deeds, women should also understand their responsibility and role towards their family.

  • Money is only source, not need

In today's world every second person hankers after the money, as a result many a time he goes far away to their family and loved ones. I consider that money is the need of a every single person but love is also a very important thing in our life. One earns money by toiling for his family and loved ones but if they still are not happy with that earning then? So try to understand that earning money is easy to carry on the love. It is also true that a human doesn't get satiated his hunger for money, on the other hand to keep going our relationship further love is needed, but the money is as important as it also we can not deny. Every women want her family living a good and comfortable lief and their needs are fulfilled but keep it in mind that money only should be the source for the fulfillment of your needs & it shouldn't be your first priority.
  • According to research
According to a research held in Singapore in 2014 that the people bias towards the materialistic worlds, their views towards the marriage life and children were more negative. On the other hand a survey held by a matrimonial website among the 5 thousand girls presents the report that the girls prefer the boys of the financial industry more than the IT industry. And the boys who they related to the Marketing sector are very few in demand. 70% of the girls want that their would be's salary should be between 50 to one lac per months. 20% girls want their husbands salary up to one lac per months and 50% girls want to marry to a Financial Professional instead of IT Professional.  
  • Love & Worldly need both are necessary


Now a days girls take any decision keeping their future in their mind. These things also come in their personal life also. They check the boys bank balance before getting married. After then they decide to marry him. But many a time these things take you away to your loved ones and sometimes to your family as well also. After college or IIT or after completing MBA, big multinational companies offer the nice jobs and handsome salary packages and many other facilities that created the generation gap in today's youths. After getting the salary in  hand they are lost in the worldly happiness and luxuries enjoyment & forgets to respect and love for emotions and true relationships. It is true that money is very important for the life but there are many things excepts it also in the world that are also very important. think about the money but don't forget to think about the love because money can not be the substitute of love.    

To know the effect of the money on love , the researchers of the "Swansea University" held a research.  In this research 75 male and 75 females photos were shown to the 50 couples. They were asked to be in a relationship with them for the short or long periods of time. After that some of them were shown the photos of fancy cars, expensive jewelries, big houses and money. After showing these images they were again shown the same peoples images and then again they were asked the same questions. In the comparison of the second group, the first group who they saw only male and females photos, only more than 16% out of them got ready to be in the relationship for only sometime.
              Psychologist of the University Mr. Andrew G. Thomas says that "He was searching the effect of the money on love and with it he was also trying to find out that the priority of the physical attraction changes time to time according to the atmosphere." 

This article is written by Mr. Sharad Srivastav      

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